Research Projects

Before you invest time, money and resources on a new product, design or feature, it’s beneficial to receive feedback from your target market.  A research project will enable you to ask targeted questions so that when you’re ready to roll out to market, you’ve already tested perceptions and how your product or service will be received.   We work with you on your objectives to ensure clear questions, direct responses and as little time and resource wastage as possible.  Your research project will be custom designed to ensure you get the answers you’re looking for from the right group of people, within budget and to deadline. 


What more can we do?


Brand Collaborations & Partnerships

Bringing like minded people together to collaborate and create effective campaigns is a key part of what we do, hence the name Collaboration Playground.


Marketing Strategy

You might know what you want to achieve for your business but you’re not quite sure how to do it … this is why a strong marketing strategy is important. 


Marketing & Partnership Execution

Once you’ve set your marketing strategy and/or secured appropriate partners, we can execute your plans for you, working independently or with your current teams. 


Partnership Workshops

If you already have a great portfolio of partners on board, we’ll help you to drive ROI with them via collaborations and networking.