
Who are we?

Collaboration Playground specialises in brand partnership, cross promotions, marketing strategy and execution.  We love great ideas, clever marketing, engaging activations and people who think that making the world a better place is a really good thing.  

Come play with us.


We’re big fans of street art and self expression by local communities and often spend time looking for new pieces in the city and our neighbourhood.  Street art is a fantastic representation of a community’s pulse, bringing artists together to showcase their thoughts and feelings on current issues.  We hope you like the street landscapes featured here – check out our Instagram page as we feature new ones each week.

Our Team


Tanya Simpson

Head of Brand Partnerships & Marketing

Bringing people together to create great brand partnerships, promotions and marketing is what drives Tanya.  In her career she has forged a reputation of creating impactful brand partnerships working with like minded organisations on their strategies and business objectives.  At NOVA Entertainment she collaborated with the best events in Melbourne (Comedy Festival, Good Friday Appeal, Australian Ballet and Carols by Candlelight to name a few) creating engaging content and generating over $1million in revenue each year.  An avid walker, Tanya completed the 800km Camino De Santiago trek in Spain in 2019 (eating a lot of tortilla sandwiches along the way), before returning home to create Collaboration Playground.  The Night Owl of the team, you can often find her online or doing creative work at 2am.  If you’re up late too, feel free to say Hi.    

Asha on book Collab Playground.jpg


Queen of whatever she wants to be

Often defined by Tanya as “the worst EA in the history of time”, Asha runs to her own schedule but also provides relief on busy days by demanding to be fed or cuddled.   Heading up the Fun & Culture area, Asha’s key goal is to ensure that staff and clients understand the importance of play, downtime and making your co-workers feel loved.   Expect to see her pop up on a zoom call at anytime.  


Dale Logan

Digital Marketing Specialist

Dale loves all things online – Instagram, Netflix, Emails, EDMs, ASOS and now House Party during lockdown  – which is why he’s the perfect addition to the Collaboration Playground team.   For the past five years Dale has worked with brands such as TEDxMelbourne, Toyota, LUX Everyday and Chris Hemsworth’s fitness app Centr, ensuring that their customers and audience are engaged with quality content, relevant information and great online experiences.  As a former Byron Bay boy he’s settled into Melbourne’s lifestyle of coffee, eating out and cold weather reasonably well but does miss their perfect beaches. He’s also a brilliant photographer so if you’re looking for someone to brighten your day, check out his personal page at


Sonya Simpson

Finance Manager

They say that siblings often have opposite traits – one is sporty, the other a book worm.  One is great with numbers, the other a crafter of words.   This perfectly describes the differences between Sonya and Tanya, who have skills which complement each other perfectly.  As the Head of Finance Sonya looks after accounts, BAS, customer onboarding and anything to do with numbers.   Sonya has worked with many large organisations such as Spendless Shoes, Australian Institute of Sport, Cycling Australia and Australian Radio Network.  She also runs her own clothing merchandise company and recently added an administration and bookkeeping consultancy to the company, so she understands the joys and challenges of small business.  She prides herself on providing great customer service and still protests that she’s the most popular daughter in the family.  Mum and Dad refuse to comment on this statement.