DM ME! said the influencer. Now What?

DM Me Now What blog photo Bruce .jpg

Wondering how you can cost effectively grow your business? 

DM Me!

Just joking … sort of.   Feel free to reach out as I love hearing from like minded business people. 

Seriously, if you’re looking to dip your toe in the water of partnerships, social media collaborations can be a fairly easy to way to get started.

Instagram works really well and is a hotbox of collabs at the moment.  Facebook is great if your target is women aged 40+.  Tik Tok lets you get creative and attracts a younger crowd. 

Ideally your brand will already be on the channel that best suits your customers.

So, how to wade through the myriad of collab opportunities out there?   

There are a few different ways for you to approach this popular tactic but it’s important to be clear on what your objectives for the collaboration are.

Ask yourself – what is it that I’m trying to achieve for my brand?

New followers to my social pages?

Engagement for my site?

Increased awareness?

To highlight a new product or service?

An endorsement? 

Be clear on your objectives so that you can create the right type of collaboration with the right type of brand … in turn, connecting with the type of customers you want to attract.

If you want new followers to your social media channels, choose other brands which are like minded and complementary to yours – and run an easy to enter contest or giveaway.  Your tactic might include following your and the other brands’ social media – asking a question found on your page – or offering up engaging content to drive traffic. 

Increased awareness of your brand and specific products can be driven through a giveaway featuring a beautifully curated photo of your item on their page – and the chance to win it.  Ensure they tag you, talk about the benefits of the product (in their language) and encourage their followers to head to your site to find out more.

An unofficial endorsement by the right type of brand or influencer can tick more than one box.  A person (influencer) or company which is seen as aspirational to your potential fans confirms that your brand is one they want to follow and be associated with too. Give these influencers your products and services to try and review, work with them on sponsored posts and build a long term relationship to continue the momentum.

Beware also of false promises from some influencers who may take your product and not follow through with appropriate posts or cross promotions.  With so many brands and people in this space, it can be a little bit of a jungle, so ensure you have an agreement in writing on each party’s deliverables and follow up to find out when and how they’re planning to promote your product.

Social media collabs are a great way to test the waters of basic partnerships in a cost effective way.  If you’d like some guidance or suggestions on who to work with, we’ll be happy to help.

DM us if you’re keen. Or email is fine too. Or phone. Whatever works for you. 


Find yourself a partner in lockdown